Monday, April 23, 2018



What is IELTS?

IELTS, normally known as International English Language Testing System is the most famous English dialect capability test taken by a great many clients consistently. IELTS scores are perceived by in excess of 9,000 associations, instructive foundations, affiliations all around the globe. IELTS test evaluates perusing, composing, tuning in and talking aptitudes of the applicants. It is intended to reflect how understudies can utilize English at function or play in another life abroad. This test has been created by the World's driving English dialect specialists. There are two variants of the IELTS test-IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. IELTS Academic is for individuals willing to move to another country for advanced education or expert enlistment, while IELTS General Training is for the individuals who will relocate to English-talking nations like Canada, Australia and UK for preparing programs, work encounters or auxiliary instruction. Both the variants of the IELTS test give a legitimate and exact evaluation of the four dialect aptitudes tuning in, perusing, composing and talking.

IELTS Test Format

IELTS test comprises of four noteworthy areas, which are-tuning in, perusing, composing and talking. The tuning in, composing and perusing areas of the IELTS are finished around the same time. The talking area can be finished seven days prior or after alternate tests. The aggregate term of the entire test is 2 hours and 45 minutes.

IELTS Reading

The motivation behind the IELTS perusing is to survey the capacity of the test takers to peruse and comprehend scholarly entries. The perusing area comprises of 40 questions, which are intended to evaluate an assortment of perusing aptitudes of the test takers. The different abilities evaluated in the perusing area are-perusing for detail, skimming, understanding consistent contentions, understanding essayist's motivation, disposition and feeling. IELTS Academic Reading segment incorporates three long tests , which can be expressive, true or investigative. These sections are typically taken from books, diaries, daily papers and magazines. These sections are chosen especially for the non-expert group of onlookers. Understudies may not be familiar with the perusing sections but rather they can have persistence that all that they have to answer the inquiries will be expressed in the entries.

As specified above, there are 40 distinct inquiries in the perusing area and you will be given a hour to finish the perusing test. The test takers are required to exchange their responses to an answer sheet amid the designated time for the test. The test takers won't be given additional opportunity to the exchange. While exchanging, care ought to be taken that there are no spelling or language structure botches. Else, you might be intensely punished.

A portion of the kinds of perusing questions are recorded underneath

1) Headings

2) Multiple decision questions

3) Fill in the spaces

4) Answer short inquiries

5) True/false/Not Given OR Yes/No/Not Given

6) Matching rundown or expressions

7) Sentence consummation

8) Diagram/Flowchart

IELTS Listening

The reason for the listening area is to evaluate the listening aptitudes of the test takers in scholarly settings. Listening segment has four areas with ten inquiries in each segment. These inquiries are intended to assess the different listening abilities of the applicants as they hear the sound. The initial two areas manage ordinary circumstances. In the segment 1, there is a discussion between two speakers and in the segment 2, there is a monolog. The staying two areas manage circumstances in preparing and instructive settings. There is a discussion between two fundamental speakers and in the segment 4, there is a monolog on a scholastic subject. The accounts will be heard just once. The intonation of the chronicles can be British, Australian, American, Canadia and New Zealand.

The aggregate time given to finish the listening area of the IELTS is 30 minutes (in addition to 10 minutes for exchanging answers). An assortment of inquiries are asked in the IELTS Listening, which are-various decision, outline naming, rundown culmination, sentence finishing, and coordinating. Understudies will be required to compose their answers on the inquiry paper as they tune in to the sound. They will be given 10 minutes to exchange their response to the appropriate response sheet. While exchanging answers, you ought to be cautious that you don't commit spelling and syntax errors.

Different Listening Tasks

Numerous Choice Questions

Coordinating Information

Fill in the Blanks/Plan, delineate, naming

Guide, table, stream outline and synopsis finish

Sentence Completion

Short Answer Questions

IELTS Writing

The length of the IELTS composing is a hour. There are two undertakings in the written work area. Errand 1-where chart, table, graph, the outline will be exhibited and you will be required to clarify the data in your own words. You might be requested to clarify the date, portray the distinctive phases of a procedure or depict how something functions. Then again, Task 2, is an article composing errand. You will be required to compose an article because of a perspective, issue or contention. The reactions must be given in a formal style.

In composing Task 1, the test takers might be requested to depict outline, actualities or figures displayed in at least one charts. You might be given a graph, outline, table or subject and requested to clarify how it functions. The test takers will be requested to compose no less than 150 words. 20 minutes will be given to finish the assignment and after composing not exactly or in excess of 150 words, your scores may get influenced. You should be watchful that your written work scores may get influenced on the off chance that they compose insignificant, indistinguishable or counterfeited content. The motivation behind assignment 1 of the written work segment is to evaluate the capacity of the test takers to distinguish the most significant and imperative data and give an efficient diagram of it in scholarly composition.

Errand 2 of the IELTS Writing expect possibility to compose a paper. You should comprehend the point of the substance obviously and after that give your reaction in view of what you are inquired. You are given 40 minutes to finish the errand. You are required to compose no less than 250 words and will be punished for composing too short. Hopefuls won't be punished for composing in excess of 250 words, yet you should remember that in the event that you compose more, you won't inspire time to check your substance for spelling and linguistic blunders.

IELTS Speaking

The motivation behind the IELTS talking is to evaluate communicated in English abilities of the applicants in scholarly settings. The test takers are given 11-14 minutes for the talking test. There are three sections of the talking segment. In the initial segment, the inspector will get some information about yourself and a scope of recognizable themes on side interests, work, studies or family. The span of this piece of the talking area is between four to five minutes. In the section 2, the test takers are given a card, which gets some information about a specific theme. You will be given one moment to get ready and two minutes to talk. The analyst will put forth a few inquiries on a similar theme. In Part 3 of the talking area, you will be made further inquiries about the subject in the section 2. The term of the section 3 of the talking segment is between four to five minutes.

Who Accepts IELTS Scores?

IELTS test is perceived by in excess of 9,000 associations all around the globe including instructive organizations, bosses, governments and expert bodies. IELTS test is held in excess of 120 nations and is taken by around 1.5 million test takers every year. It is perceived by the main colleges and schools in numerous nations including Canada, New Zealand, UK, USA and Australia. IELTS is acknowledged by movement specialists, proficient bodies and different government organizations.

How to Register for IELTS?

With a specific end goal to enlist for IELTS test, you would require downloading the duplicate of the IELTS application frame. You can request a duplicate of the application shape from your test focus. You have to finish and sign the application frame, and append a photocopy of your travel permit and two indistinguishable identification estimate photograps, which are at the very least a half year old. The perusing, composing and listening tests will be hung around the same time. The talking test can be held 7 days prior or after the test date.

Legitimacy of the IELTS Scores

The IELTS Test Report Form (TRF) is legitimate for a long time. At introduce, IELTS score is legitimate for a three-year time span for Australian General Skilled Migration (GSM) applications.

IELTS Scoring System

There is no pass or bomb in the IELTS test. The capability of the test takers to utilize the English dialect in scholarly settings is judged based on the scores accomplished by them in every module.

IELTS Band 9 Score – Expert User-9 IELTS band imply that you are a specialist English client and have great capability in the English dialect. It likewise implies that your summon over English is right, proper and familiar with finish understanding.

IELTS Band 8 Score– Very Good User– 8 IELTS band imply that you are a decent client and have operational order over the dialect. It additionally meant that you comprehend thinking extremely well and there are sporadic arbitrary errors. mean no genuine

IELTS Band 7 Score– Good User– The IELTS band 7 scores imply that you are a decent client. You have compelling order over the English. 7 IELTS band score connotes, there are infrequent misconceptions and uncommon circumstances however you can deal with expansion well.

IELTS Band 6 Score– Competent User– Being IELTS Band Score 6 achiever, you will have strong charge over the dialect. It likewise shows there are various errors, perplexity and trouble too.

IELTS Band 5 Score– Modest User– IELTS Band Score 5 imply that you are an unobtrusive client and have incomplete summon over English.

IELTS Band 4 Score: Limited User: It implies that you have essential fitness in English, which is constrained to well-known circumstances. You confront visit issues in comprehension and articulation.

IELTS Band 3 Score: Extremely restricted client: 3 IELTS Band Score imply that you can pass on and see just broad significance in exceptionally well-known circumstances. You confront visit breakdowns in correspondence.

IELTS Band 2 Score: Intermittent client: You confront awesome trouble in understanding talked and composed English. It likewise implies no genuine correspondence is conceivable aside from the most essential data utilizing confined words or short formulae in well-known circumstances.

IELTS Band 1 Score: Non-client: This implies you don't be able to utilize the dialect past perhaps a couple of confined words.

IELTS Reading Tips

The reason for the IELTS perusing is to survey the perusing abilities of the applicants in Academic settings. It is one of the simplest and scoring areas of the IELTS test. Beneath specified are a few valuable tips that can enable you to score high in the IELTS perusing area.

Instruct Yourself:- If this is the first occasion when you are showing up for the IELTS test, the principal thing you have to do is to familiarize yourself with the organization and distinctive kinds of inquiries approached in the test for different modules. In perusing area, there are 14 distinct kinds of inquiries asked and there is a technique to take after to handle every one. Henceforth, know the motivation behind each inquiry and what you are relied upon to do.

Skimming and Scanning:- Skimming and Scanning procedures can help you significantly in the IELTS perusing segment. The reason for these methods is to get the general thought of the substance. You don't have to peruse word for word, however skim and output to get the general significance of the substance. You ought to be watchful that you don't pass up a major opportunity fundamental data while skimming and examining.

Catchphrases:- Each inquiry will have watchwords, that encourages you find the appropriate responses. You should know how to position and utilize catchphrases accurately. The majority of the understudies commit an error of discovering catchphrases precisely. You should take note of that there can be equivalent words of the fundamental watchwords.

Know your shortcomings:- Unless your shortcomings are known to you, you won't make strides. On the off chance that you are not ready to locate the right answers, know why you are not ready to. Invest some energy in looking into your execution with the goal that you can address the weaker regions.

Practice:- Unless you work on perusing sections consistently, you wont make strides. In the event that your IELTS test if a little while away, it is encouraged to rehearse troublesome perusing entries. This is the best thing you can do to enhance your general score in IELTS. Honing would enable you to build up your perusing aptitudes for various sorts of inquiries and furthermore improve your vocabulary.

1. Coordinating Headings Questions

The motivation behind the coordinating heading questions is to pick a heading from the rundown which coordinates a pargraph or segment in the section. You are required to comprehend the point of the segment and recognize the principle and supporting thoughts.

Coordinating Headings Question Tips

Read the headings:- You should read the headings appropriately before you read the entry. Since the motivation behind the coordinating heading questions is to coordinate headings accurately, henceforth concentrate more on the headings than the substance.

Focus on arrange:- You should not overlook that answers don't come all together. Subsequently, while denoting the appropriate responses, be watchful that you don't the take after the given request indiscriminately. Focus on the request of the headings and pick a one that you believe is right.

Investigate headings:- Spend some time in dissecting the headings previously you endeavor to coordinate them to passages or areas. There can be a bigger number of headings than you require. The appropriate responses are given in numerals by and large. Read and take after the guidelines deliberately to check you stamp the right answer.

Genuine False Not Given Questions

In True False Not Given Questions, the test takers are required to settle on a choice if the data displayed in the inquiries can be found in the section. The test takers are required to recognize particular data in the section and comprehend essayist's conclusion. This errand evaluate the capacity of the test takers to comprehend an authentic entry about a particular subject.

Genuine False Not Given Questions Tips

Comprehend the importance:- To answer the inquiries accurately, you should center around understanding the significance of each inquiry. You can re-read the section if required.

Try not to coordinate correct words:- Do not coordinate correct words when finding the appropriate responses. You can search for equivalent words or endeavor to reword the announcements previously you find the appropriate responses.

Check arrange:- In this area, answers will come all together. Consequently, check if the appropriate responses you are stamping takes after a right request or not.

Coordinating Paragraph Information Questions

In Matching Paragraph Information Questions, the test takers are required to coordinate the data given in the inquiry with data found in one of the sections in the entry. You will be required to recognize and check particular data.

Coordinating Paragraph Information Questions Tips

Read painstakingly:- Read the data given in the section precisely. Since you will be required to coordinate section data, consequently to coordinate effectively, you would require perusing deliberately.

Skim and Scan:- Skim and Scan the substance appropriately to get its general thought. Try not to endeavor to peruse word for word, however output to get the general significance of the content.

Read Questions first:- Read addresses first before you read the appropriate responses. Consider how you can summarize the announcements. Output the content sections and underline the conceivable equivalent words.

Rundown Completion

In Summary Completion, you are required to finish a rundown by filling in the holes utilizing words given in the section or box. The test takers will either be given a rundown of words to fill the holes with or requested to discover the appropriate responses in the perusing content. They will be required to put a portion of the words from the rundown into the rundown. The reason for Summary Completion segment is to comprehend the general significance of the outline, check the right data in the content and recognize equivalent words and summarizes.

Outline Completion Tips

Anticipate Answers:- Before you observe the alternatives, endeavor to foresee the appropriate responses. This expectation will enable you to recognize the right answers.

Search for equivalent words:- Do not do coordinate correct words. Search for equivalent words or summarizes in the content instead of finding words that match straightforwardly.

Push ahead:- If you go over an inquiry that you don't have the foggiest idea, don't invest excessively energy searching for the appropriate responses. Or maybe push ahead and endeavor different inquiries.

Have a go at wiping out words:- Pick each word from the rundown and attempt to derive its importance by putting in its coveted place. Along these lines you can dispose of words that don't fit by any stretch of the imagination.

Sentence Completion

The Reading thing compose Sentence Completion requires test takers to finish sentences by filling in the hole with words from the entry. You will be given various sentences and after that required to finish the sentences by picking words from the rundown.

Sentence Completion Tips

Read Instructions Carefully:- Before you begin endeavoring 'sentence culmination', read the directions deliberately. Know what number of words it requests that you compose. At times, it requests that you express "not in excess of 2 words', all things considered, don't compose in excess of 2 words. In any case, here and there it requests that you express "not in excess of 3 words", all things considered, you can keep in touch with one, a few words.

Center the request:- The appropriate responses will show up in an indistinguishable request from the inquiries. Thus, give careful consideration to the request of the appropriate responses since they will show up in an indistinguishable request from the appropriate responses.

Check spelling and punctuation:- Your answer ought to be linguistically right. Check what sort of words will fit into the space. In the event that you can discover it is a verb, thing, intensifier or descriptive word, you will answer the inquiry accurately.

Numerous Choice Questions

In this thing compose, you will see Multiple Choice Questions where you have to pick rectify answers from a rundown of conceivable decisions. The reason for this segment is to evaluate the capacity of the test takers to comprehend the fundamental thoughts contained in the content and search for particular data.

Different Choice Questions Tips

Read the inquiry previously:- Most of the understudies commit an error of perusing the content before questions. You are probably going to sit idle along these lines. You should dependably read inquiries previously you read the content.

Read the entire sentence:- The initial segment of the passage may look amend however the second half is unique in relation to the first. Before you attempt to gather the significance of the sentence , guarantee you read the entire sentence.

Comprehend the traps:- Examiner may attempt to deceive you with 'distractors'. These are the things that resemble amend answer however are really wrong. Comprehend the traps that the inspector is utilizing to divert you. Read the sentences deliberately before you answer them.

Short Answer Questions

Short Answer Questions begin with "WH" words like what, when, where and who. Short Answer Questions expect you to answer the inquiry from the given actualities in the content. You should be additional watchful about the word tally since you are given constrained words to deliver your reaction. The test takers are required to comprehend particular data in detail and find the data in the entry.

Short Answer Question Tips

Skim and Scan Correctly:- Candidates must figure out how to skim and output effectively. The prupose of skimming and filtering is to comprehend the general significance of the entry. You don't have to peruse word for word, however can rapidly move your eyes to comprehend its significance.

Read Instructions:- The as a matter of first importance thing you have to do is, to peruse the guidelines precisely. Read what you are requested to do and remember as far as possible. On the off chance that you have to peruse the directions once more, you can. In any case, guarantee, you take after the bearings accurately.

Consider Synonyms:- You can consider equivalent words or summarizes for the catchphrases. The vast majority of the understudies commit an error of coordinating word for word. Rather, you ought to dependably consider equivalent words or rewords for the watchwords.

Note, Table, Flow-outline Completion and Diagram Labeling

The motivation behind the Note, Table, Flow-graph Completion and Diagram Labeling errand is to test the capacity of te test takers to find and record specific data from a perusing entry. It is utilized to test your comprehension of a true section about a particular subject. In this segment, you are required to peruse realities about a subject, note imperative words or numbers and answer questions in view of what you are inquired.
Note, Table, Flow-outline Completion and Diagram Labeling Tips

Influence a figure:- Before you to peruse an entry, take a stab at taking a gander at the notes and make a think about what you will read. You can consider the missing data to finish the holes.

Search for intimations:- We encourage understudies to search for the hints in the notes to enable them to discover the sort of data. You can scan for words or headings on the page.

Read guidelines painstakingly:- Remember to peruse the directions deliberately. Continuously fit words that it instructs you to compose. Your answer will be stamped wrong, in the event that you compose more than wanted words.

Coordinating Information

The Matching Information undertaking evaluate the capacity of the test takers to peruse a section precisely and comprehend the fundamental thoughts and in addition contentions and other data. You will see an arrangement of numbered proclamations and will be required to peruse the entry and discover data that match the announcements.

Coordinating Information Tips

Read the section rapidly:- Before you begin, it is fitting to peruse the entry rapidly. It will enable you to get a thought of the sort of data you are required to fill.

Make a figure:- Even in the event that you don't know about the appropriate response, don't leave the inquiry unattempted. It is smarter to endeavor the inquiry than to abandon it unattempted.

Compose Correct Answer just:- You ought to dependably compose an answer when you are certain about it. Understudies commit an error of composing numerous answers and finally get befuddled in finding the right one. Continuously compose revise answer so you don't confront any disarray.

Coordinating Features

The Matching Features errand test the capacity of the test takers to peruse an entry painstakingly and comprehend the principle thoughts and in addition contentions and nitty gritty data. You will see a numbered articulations containing an arrangement of alternatives – name of individuals, associations or some other element. You are required to peruse the section and match data and thoughts in the announcements to the alternatives.

Coordinating Features Tips

Read articulations and highlights:- Before perusing the passage, read the rundown of explanations and highlights painstakingly. Along these lines you can set yourself up about what you will read.

Read entry:- Read the section rapidly to recognize what the section is about. You can likewise underline critical catchphrases and thoughts that you think can be significant to the section. Read the thoughts painstakingly to check whether they coordinate accurately or not.

Try not to miss anything:- You can re-read the entry to check whether you have not missed any vital data. Make sure to compose just a single response to the appropriate response sheet.

Different Choice Questions (More than One Answer)

Different Choice Questions with in excess of one answer test the capacity of the test takers to discover revise data in a perusing entry. The motivation behind this area is to test the capacity of the test takers to comprehend a verifiable entry about a particular subject. You will see inquiries with numerous alternatives out of which in excess of one answers are right. Your activity is to peruse the entry and locate the right alternatives. For each inquiry, there are two right alternatives.

Numerous Choice Questions (More than One Answer) Tips

Underline principle catchphrases:- Before perusing the section, underline the fundamental watchwords and thoughts. This will enable you to relate the data when perusing an entry.

Dont utilize your past learning:- Chances are there you may get an entry which you are as of now familiar with. Try not to utilize your past or foundation learning about the entry. Continuously read the entry and answer questions in light of what you read.

Check all choices:- Since there will be two right choices, subsequently, check every one of the choices on the off chance that they identify with the inquiry. Before you pick two alternatives, don't dismiss the staying ones without checking.

IELTS Listening

The motivation behind the IELTS Listening test is to evaluate the capacity of the test takers to tune in to a sound chronicle deliberately and endeavor questions. The Listening segment of IELTS comprises 40 inquiries and it goes on for around 30 minutes. You will get extra 10 minutes toward the finish of the test to exchange your answer from the inquiry paper to the appropriate response sheet.

The distinctive kinds of Listening thing composes are:-

Shape/note/table fulfillment

Marking a graph or guide

Sentence Completion

Short Answers


Numerous Choice


IELTS Listening Tips

Read Instructions Carefully:- Before you begin endeavoring the inquiries, you should read the guidelines precisely. Give careful consideration to as far as possible. In the event that the inquiry states " close to three words", you can answer the inquiry in one, a few words. Composing an answer in excess of three words will influence your scores.

Acquaint yourself with the test:- It is prudent to acclimate yourself with the distinctive kinds of inquiries in the test. You are probably going to commit errors however again concentrating on your mix-ups is urgent. To enhance your oversights, you can tune in to the sound account again until the point when you discover why you got the inquiry off-base. Doing this you will enable you to enhance rapidly. You can likewise observe the transcripts and discover where you turned out badly by perusing.

Think:- Concentration is enter in the IELTS listening test. It is normally observed that test takers lose fixation and this is the reason they are not ready to locate the correct answers. You can hone undivided attention to enhance your focus. Undivided attention is a procedure which include appointing yourself little assignments when you are rehearsing the test and accomplishing something when you are tuning in. This circumstance is like the genuine IELTS listening exam.

Continuously Attempt:- Don't leave any inquiry unattempted. Since you are not punished for wrong answers so you ought to dependably influence a figure and never to leave the inquiry unattempted .

Outline Completion

In IELTS Listening Summary Completion, you will be given a rundown of sentences that outline the sound account you will tune in to. The test takers can take a gander at the sentences and endeavor to comprehend the general significance. They can utilize the sentences to foresee what they will hear. This won't just enable you to take after the tuning in yet in addition find the right solutions effortlessly.

Synopsis Completion Tips

Comprehend the general significance:- Read to comprehend the general importance of the section. You can observe the sentence and endeavor to comprehend their significance. This is essential since it will enable you to locate the right answers effortlessly.

Make a Prediction:- You can take a gander at the holes and endeavor to anticipate what the appropriate response will be. You can influence a think about what kind of word to will fit linguistically whether it is verb, thing, or modifier etc.You can likewise anticipate the substance in light of alternate words you see around the holes.

Influence word to confine at the top of the priority list:- The test takers ought to be exceptionally watchful not to go over as far as possible. On the off chance that the guidelines say "Close to 2 words", guarantee you take after the same. You may get punished for composing additional words.

Shape Filling Questions

In Form Filling Questions, the appropriate responses will be maybe a couple words long and will contain truthful data, for example, dates, telephone numbers and times. This is one of the territories that IELTS Listening, where the analyst can endeavor to deceive you by giving various distinctive snippets of data when just a single of them is right.

Frame Filling Questions Tips

Make a Prediction:- Prediction is imperative and is required in every one of the territories of the IELTS listening test yet it is basically critical in the shape filling area. Foreseeing empowers you to not just concentrate your mind on the region that you will hear, yet more essentially, not center around some other regions.

Search for synonymns:- Most of the understudies commit an error of coordinating word for word. You won't find solutions as straightforward as that. Attempt to search for equivalent words or summarizes.

Spotlight on Word Count:- While endeavoring the test, you should center around as far as possible. In the event that the inquiry requests that you "compose not in excess of 2 words" , don't compose in excess of 2 words. Composing more than as far as possible may influence your last scores.

Rundown:- The frame filling inquiries may appear to be straightforward yet there are numerous traps that can come up in this segment. Guarantee you go arranged by honing these sorts of inquiries.

Various Choice Questions

There are three unique organizations for Multiple Choice Questions-

Short Answer Multiple Choice Question

Sentence consummation questions


Short Answer Multiple Choice Questions:- The main kind is a short answer different decision question. In this area, you will be given an announcement which has various diverse choices to look over.

Sentence finishing questions:- In this compose, you will be given a sentence and you have to finish it with one of various alternatives.

Pictures:- The last kind is the place you are given a sentence and you need to coordinate this to one of various pictures.

Various Choice Questions Tips

Read Instructions painstakingly: – The most importantly step is to peruse the directions precisely. Read the inquiries and recognize what is really being inquired.

Feature watchwords: – The catchphrase in the inquiry will enable you to answer the inquiry accurately. The catchphrases in the distinctive choices are those that separate importance between the decisions. You can take a stab at taking a gander at the distinctive alternatives and underline any watchwords that assistance you discover the distinction in importance.

Try not to Rush: – Don't hurry to compose replies as you hear. You may tune in about in excess of one choice in the chronicle so hold up until the point that every one of the alternatives are discussed in the appropriate response.

Make a figure: – Don't invest more energy than what is fundamental. In the event that you miss an answer or don't have the foggiest idea about the appropriate response, make a figure and proceed onward.

4. Naming a Map or Plan

Naming a Map or Plan kind of question requires the test takers to perceive the distinctive parts of the guide or plan by tuning in to the sound. You will likewise require understanding portrayals or following headings. The test takers can anticipate that listening will a sound where a man depicts a guide or plan to a gathering of individuals and you should take after the headings.

Marking a Map or Plan Tips

Read Questions Carefully:- The thumb lead to endeavor marking a guide or plan is to peruse the inquiry painstakingly. Comprehend the guide or plan and its highlights. Endeavor to deduce the importance of the arrangement or guide before you answer the inquiries.

Spotlight on real parts:- Missing out even a little data can digress you from the objective of marking a guide or plan. You can take a stab at taking a gander at the significant parts of the guide or plan to enable you to comprehend and explore your way around.

Be careful with 'Distractors':- Visualize the place that is depicted in the sound account. You can note down any conceivable answers, yet should be watchful with distractors. Distractors are the words, which sound comparable however have distinctive implications. You may wind up checking inaccurate answer on the off chance that you don't focus on 'distractors'.Matching Questions

In coordinating inquiry writes, the test takers are requested to coordinate two sections in view of the consistent relationship of the listening content. You ought not overlook that there is an alternate system to follow in each IELTS listening thing compose.

5. Coordinating Questions Tips

Practice:- It is fitting to work on coordinating inquiries. When you hone, you ought to guarantee that you do it under exam conditions. It is additionally critical to discover why you finding the solutions to the inquiries off-base.

Try not to get deceived:- In IELTS Listening test, the analyst may endeavor to trick you by giving you something that appears like the right answer first and after that changing this to something unique later in the account.

IELTS Writing

The reason for the IELTS composing test is to survey the composition aptitudes of the competitors in scholastic condition. There are two sections of IELTS Writing-Writing Task 1 and Writing Task 2.

IELTS Writing Task 1

In IELTS Writing Task 1, the test takers are required to compose a scholarly give an account of a diagram or chart in excess of 150 words. You will be given 20 minutes to finish this assignment.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Tips

    Read instructions carefully:- Before you get started with the writing part, it is advisable to read the instructions very carefully. Take a minute to read the question and then think and understand what it is asking you to do.
    Support with data:- In IELTS Writing Task 2, it is suggested to support your description with accurate data. You can get this data from the graph or image shown to you.
    Plan your answer:- Organizing and planning is necessary as this will help you score well by giving a clear and coherent answer. When you have a structure in your head, you will be able to plan an effective answer quickly.

IELTS Writing Task 2

IELTS Writing Task 2 requires test takers  to write an academic-style essay on a common topic. You have 40 minutes to write at least 250 words. Candidates are required to plan and organize an essay highlighting the main body points as well as supporting points.
IELTS Writing Task 2 Tips

    Question Analysis:- You should know what the examiner is looking for. To do this, you are advised to read the question carefully. Students make a mistake of not reading the question correctly and end up answering the question incorrectly. Hence, to score more than 6 band, you should always read the question correctly.
    Plan an essay:- The students who score the highest marks in essay writing plan before they write. Planning helps you arrange your ideas and structure them before you write. Planning also helps you to save you time and write a clear essay.
    Introduce Properly:- The introduction paragraph should be opening paragraph of your essay. It conveys  the examiner what the rest of the essay is about. Introduction paragraph also guides you to write the main body paragraphs as well supporting points correctly .
    Conclude:- At the end, you must provide proper conclusion. A conclusion should provide you a summary of what you have already said in the rest of the essay.

IELTS Speaking

IELTS speaking is the most challenging sections of the IELTS test. Students often trouble with this section and this is the reason they are not able to score high in the IELTS Speaking test. There are three sections of the IELTS Speaking-

Part 1 Introduction :- The speaking Part 1 of the IELTS lasts between 4-5 minutes and candidates are required to answer questions about familiar topics, such as, about their family, studies, hometown, hobbies, etc.  The first part of the IELTS speaking is easier because all the questions asked in this section are about you.

Part 2 Cue Card:-  In the Speaking Part 2, the candidates are given a cue card  about a particular topic and will be required to produce answers on them.  You will be given one minute to plan and then 2-3 minutes to talk about that topic.

Part 3 Cross Question :-  Part 2 and Part 3 are interlinked. In IELTS Listening Part 3, candidates will be asked further questions which will be linked to the topics talked in Part 2.
IELTS Speaking  Tips

    Focus on Intonation:- While answering, you must focus that you do not sound flat.  You are likely to get lower marks if your voice is monotonous i.e your pitch does not go up or down at all.  Even if the questions sound boring to you, you should respond to them energetically.
    Dont give short answers:- Since the purpose of the speaking test is to assess the spoken English skills of the candidates, therefore, do not give answers in short. Students feel tempted to give short answers because they simply want their test to be over as soon as possible. Examiner is going to ask you questions and even difficult ones, it is better to give a long answer than short.
    Ask Questions:- You can find confusion in several questions.  If you do not understand anything, feel free to ask your examiner to clear it. If you do not understand what examiner said, you can politely request him/her to repeat again.
    Make an Attempt:- There can be at least one question about which you have no idea how and what to answer. Since you have been speaking for a long and not answering to one question is not going to lower your marks. But at least you must make an attempt even if you are not sure about the answer.
    Do not memorize answers:- Its a bad idea to memorise answers for the IELTS Speaking test. You can practice familiar and expected questions, but is a bad idea to memorize answers for the test.
    Speak at a normal pace:- Students often ask if they should speak slowly or quickly in the IELTS speaking test. They have a misconception that they will get high scores if they speak quickly.  This is not the case. You should keep a steady pace.  Do not speak too slow, because it will be difficult for the listening to understand what you are try to say. On the other hand, , you may lose coherence by speaking too quickly.

General Advice for IELTS Test

    Eat and sleep Well:- Before you appear for the IELTS, we advise you to eat and sleep well. IELTS test take about 2 hours and 40 minutes and you need to do listening, reading and writing. Ensure you rest  and eat well to keep yourself focused during the test.
    Arrive Early:- Start early from home and arrive the test centre before the desired time. You may expect traffic on the way to the test centre , it is recommended to start an hour before depending on how densely or scarcely populated the area is where you want to reach.
    Take ID Proof:- Do not forget to take valid identity proof with you. You can check with the test centre which ID proofs are acceptable.
    Keep an eye on time:- IELTS is a time bound task.  There will be a clock in the exam room. Know where it is before the test starts so that you can complete the test on time.  You cannot take your watch or mobile into the exam room.
    Check equipment:- Before you get started with the test,check if the headphones are working or not.  If the headphones do not work, you can raise hand and get the attention of the invigilator to get the issue fixed.
    Answer Transfer:- You will be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.  When transferring your answers, ensure there are no spelling or grammatical errors.
    Read Instructions carefully:- You will be given instructions before the start of each item type. Read in how many words you are required to produce an answer. You may be penalized for producing response under or over the limit.
    Plan properly:- In IELTS Writing section, you should always plan your ideas and thoughts properly, before you start writing.  Planning helps you convey your ideas in a proper way. Hence, always spend some time on planning out things.
    Practice:- It is rightly said that practice makes a man perfect.  Before you appear for the test, practice previous IELTS papers to get acquainted with the format of the test.  You will also get an idea what to expect in the IELTS test.
    No learning aids allowed:- The test takers are not allowed to use any of the learning aids such as computers, phones, or even dictionaries during the IELTS test. Hence, you must practice and prepare for the test without these learning aids.

How LinguaSoft EduTech made IELTS Easy ?

You do not need to stress out over finding IELTS practice tests, study material or eBooks. LinguaSoft EduTech has prepared complete IELTS preparation course to help students get the desired band score. We have developed various software to help students improve their English skills for the real world. Our different IELTS software- IELTS Grammar & Vocabulary, IELTS Listening & Speaking, IELTS Reading and IELTS Writing help students develop their skills of the IELTS test.  In addition to these software, LinguaSoft’s Spoken English Software (Level B1 and B2) play an instrumental role in improving the pronunciation, vocabulary and fluency of the candidates.  Our various IELTS Software are carefully designed and developed so that you don’t miss out on any hints, tips or knowledge needed to get a high score.

The IELTS preparation process include more than just reading and writing.  LinguaSoft’s IELTS preparation courses involve practical activities in listening and speaking. You will listen to audio recordings, listen carefully and them answer questions based on what you heard. Similarly, our other IELTS Software such as IELTS Skills Reading , IELTS Skills Writing and IELTS grammar & Vocabulary are based on the same principles of ‘Natural Immersion Program’ to help students develop their English communication skills for the IELTS test.

Being successful in IELTS requires more than just good English skills.   Through these software, our aim is to take students through various sections of the IELTS test so that they feel confident and ready to take the test. Students will get to know about the exam format, their weaker areas and get proven tips and tricks to score high in the test.   LinguaSoft EduTech has spent years in the research work and after careful consideration we have developed  various IELTS software to make the preparation process easy for the test takers.
LinguaSoft EduTech’s IELTS Preparation Software

    IELTS Grammar & Vocabulary :- In this software, students  will learn vocabulary and grammar required for IELTS test.  Students will learn  new words,  their meanings and their usage.
    IELTS Listening & Speaking :- Our motive behind IELTS Listening and speaking software is to develop attentive listening skills of the candidates. We have included a variety of exercises in this software that tests the ability of the test takers to listen carefully. Similarly, speaking section prepare candidates for the speaking tasks such as introduction, cue card and follow up questions and give results in terms of their pronunciation and grammar accuracy.
    IELTS Writing :- IELTS Writing software is designed to help candidates improve their writing skills for the IELTS test. IELTS writing section is the most challenging section  of the IELTS test. We have included a number  of exercises to help candidates gain acquaintance with the IELTS writing format.  The writings of the candidates are checked by our automated software and rating is given in terms of grammar, vocabulary and coherency.
    IELTS Reading:- Our IELTS Reading software include ample of exercises where candidates are required to read a variety of English texts on academic topics. This help candidates develop the ability to read quickly as required under test conditions.

Who Should Enrol ?

LinguaSoft EduTech has carefully designed and developed various IELTS software using best-practice standards in IELTS preparation and Online teaching.  Our aim is to provide test takers all around the world with the knowledge and skills to take the IELTS test with confidence.  Best candidates for our software are:-

    New candidates who are taking the test for first time
    Repeat candidates who would like to improve their band score on the IELTS test
    Everyone who want to improve their English communication skills

Course Inclusions

    Instructional Videos covering all IELTS modules
    Live practice tests in reading, writing, listening and speaking
    Free learning resources such as eBooks, tips and tricks and video lessons
    Fun games to make the learning process easy and interesting

Benefits of IELTS Preparation Software

Our various courses  help candidates develop their English skills not only for the IELTS test but for the real world. We have created these software inspired by ‘Natural Immersion Program’.  These software help candidates develop active receptive (listening and reading) and productive skills ( writing and speaking).  Candidates can practice on a number of excerises, review their performance and learn while playing fun games.  The top benefits of our IELTS preparation software are:-

    Develop skills for the real world
    Free learning resources
    Live practice tests
    Audio recordings and interactive Graphics
    Fun Games
    Video Lessons

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Author & Editor

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